Exercises for the sides and the belly: simulated design

Dreaming of a shapely woman? In this article are some of the effective exercises for weight loss in the sides and in the belly of the home.

A flat tummy and not the sides — a dream for many girls, but this is the area at the correction of regular exercise. Exercises for weight loss belly and on the sides will help you to get rid of the excess, but it is important to adhere to the system of workout and complies with the principles of a healthy diet in order to achieve tangible results.

A flat tummy and not the sides

The basic principles of training, workout, weights loss, belly, and sides of the

  • The training intensity depends on the individual characteristics of shapes and of well-being.
  • For those who have a lot of excess weight in the area of the sides and the belly, the training has to be of a higher cardio load, in order to burn fat.
  • The available types of cardio home workout-walking, running, swimming, jumping rope.
  • It is only through cardio and strength training allows you to achieve the best results: cardio burns fat while the strength training for a swing in the muscles and the over-filled.
  • In order to achieve the best effect for you train 3-4 times a week.
  • Each week, increase the load force of training and the duration of the heart to the hoop.
  • The result of the training is dependent on your efforts, training, and preliminary levels.
  • Lose weight in one particular place can: workouts to lose weight of the body, and pulls in many of the muscle groups.
  • The most effective exercises on the side — it is a torsion routing clip, the cutting of the hull, and the bridge. You will need to perform the exercises with great frequency, but without additional load, in order to burn fat, and not just to build their muscles, thus resulting in excess capacity. It is very important not to miss a workout in the turns, and the tilt, as it warms up and prepares the body for the workout to the sides.

The rules enforced in-class exercises for weight loss belly and on the sides of the home

  • Most of it is the right time for effective training sessions — in the morning. Before breakfast or 2-3 hours after, when his body is in a good state of fat burning.
  • Slimming region, in the abdomen, and the sides need to deal without any disadvantages by just using the body weight, otherwise the risk of build up muscle underneath the fat layer, which provides visual complement to lose weight.
  • Start and finish the workout with a heart, to replace you, warming up.
  • To accurately follow the execution of the technique, with varying the amplitude of.

The warm-up prior to a workout, so to the sides and the belly

Onto the housing part

1. The legs of the shoulder width of the roads a little bent.
2. Use of the abdominal muscles, the prevalence of the shoulders, the bent arms hold the front of the chest at the level of the.
3. Do lēnie turns to the right, returning to its original position, and then to the left.
4. In between turns, the different hand, to stop in the middle.
5. You do 10-15 a turn on each side.

Noliekšanās on the side

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width.
2. Raise your arms up and to talk about housing on the right side.
3. Cant only in the upper part of the body that follow-up for the legs should be straight.
4. The series of bridge, in the hull sides, alternately.
5. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side for 2-3 approach.

Bowing down to the front

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width.
2. Begin to lower body down to touch the palms of the hands to the floor surface.
3. Do not bend your legs, and spread evenly, return to the starting position, in order to do not hurt your back.
4. Repeat the exercise 20 times in the 2 approaches.

Effective exercise for the side of the home

Effective exercises for the sides of the home environment to shoot

The hoop or in the exercise link below

Torsional and hoop available for the type of home in the heart of the execution time, which is not only burned calories, but also is developed in the muscles of the abdomen and lower back. The hoop is necessary for exactly the women, because it helps to create a slender silhouette, and to highlight the waist. This is one of the most effective exercises for weight loss in the side of the home. Rotation of the hoop to help get rid of the excess fat on the waist, unless dealing in a systematic and no less than 10 minutes a day.

1. Stand up straight, feet together.
2. The hand connects to the castle in pakausī.
3. You want to shoot with a small amplitude, on the one hand to the other along the 88-times on each side.
4. Try not to hold your breath, but breathe in, dragging and dropping, in this case, the stomach.
5. During the first week of training you are doing 88 in a rotary motion, in each direction, 2 sets, every week increase the number of access in further 2.

The fragile limit of the

1. You get up to the classic level, with a special focus on the tights and elbows to the body should be direct, free of the trough.
2. Put the elbows directly beneath the shoulder joints.
3. Pick up the bottom to the top, forming a slide, the body, the ankles do not bend your knees.
4. Hold the top of the point for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.
5. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Presses sitting down

1. Sit down on the floor, legs bend at the knees, the feet press into the floor.
2. The corps takes you back to 45 degrees.
3. Jostasvieta is rounded, the tail bone, it.
4. Use a press and bend the wrist elkoņos.
5. Turn the body and elbows from side to side.
6. Repeat the exercise 30 times for the 3 runs.

Pressure when lying down

1. Lie down on the floor, hand the kindle to the hand, wrist, tap on the floor.
2. The shoulders do not rip out of the floor, while the legs lift up straight to the top, and bend the knees at a 90-degree angle.
3. Between the knees keeps a little distance.
4. Bent the legs of the lower in the direction of to the ground, but not to the touch the bottom to hold the weight, but the shoulder is not a rip from the surface.
5. Restore the hair of the leg to the starting position.
6. Repeat the same on the other side.

The side of the bridge

1. Lie down on the floor, the body is straight, but the elongated legs is positioned one below the other.
2. Put in the bottom of the arm to the elbow, and spleen.
3. Meet at the bow of the hull in the side of the plane.
4. Lift the bottom of the floor, iztaisnojot body by the educational level of the line.
5. Spread the weight between the support arm and the foot support of the leg.
6. Lift up your head, look to the front.
7. Try not to stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. Each week, the workouts increase in this period for a further 30 seconds.

The boat

1. Sit down on the floor, simultaneously lift your arms and legs off the floor, trying to bend in half.
2. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
3. Do not stretch the neck, hold the legs in a straight line.
4. Repeat 10 times, trying for the maximum period to hold on to the weight.

Bending body

1. Lie down on the floor, legs bend at the knees, hands loose behind your head.
2. Rip the body of the sex and reach arm towards the opposite leg.
3. The dwell point of the touch and go back to the starting position.
4. The execution of a variety of touches in a row.
5. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side, there are 2 approaches.